If you do integration/request testing of an AJAXified web application using Rspec, Capybara and Selenium there is a pretty good chance that you might have run into this error:
Element is not currently visible and so may not be interacted with
After spending way too long to try and solve this problem (“THE ELEMENT IS VISIBLE DAMN YOU!!!!”) I found a few little tweaks to my setup that help remove and/or mitigate the error.
The key to this error is that Capybara is trying to find and/or interact with an element and it’s not quite ready on the page yet because some JavaScript hasn’t executed yet, or there’s a delay with the test web server.
jQuery Effects
If you’re running tests, there’s a pretty good chance you don’t care about any jQuery effects. You’re just interested in the result. If that’s the case, then add this line to your page layout:
= javascript_tag '$.fx.off = true;' if Rails.env.test?
That will turn jQuery effects off in the Rails test environment.
Capybara “wait_for”
This is a particularly helpful method that, like its name implies, causes Capybara to take a chill pill, and wait for a particular condition to be met. Call it like this:
wait_for(15) {page.should have_content "Some text."}
wait_for(30) {page.should have_button "Button Text"}
This just gives the page a little time to catch up before Capybara blows up on you.
A new Selenium driver from the fine folks at Thoughtbot, this is a headless (this just means it doesn’t open a visible window) browser that Capybara can interact with. Ideally it should be faster than opening up a browser window for each test. I managed to get it working, mostly. It’s still kind of new, so there are a few things missing, but it might be a good idea to watch the github project.