From ~:caboose
# this is used directly on models only # Usage: Customer.to_tab_delimited def self.to_tab_delimited(path = nil, columns = nil, options = nil) columns ||= self.column_names || "./#{table_name}.txt", RAILS_ROOT), 'w') do |file| file.puts(columns.join("\t")) # Notice this is very close to what the Array#to_tab_delimited below does, except Array only calls itself, meaning # it only exports it's own contents. self.find(:all, options).each do |rec| row = columns.inject([]) do |arr, col| if rec[col].is_a?(String) arr << rec[col].gsub(/[\t\n]/, ' ') else arr << rec[col] end end file.puts(row.join("\t")) end end end end